Thursday, January 20, 2011

What do I believe!

It’s been more than two decades since anyone from any church came to visit my wife or anyone else in our household.  That doesn’t disturb me although it might disturb my wife of 38 plus years.  I believe in a power greater than myself but I do not believe in any form of a “traditional God”.  That makes me an atheist in most circles and I’m fine with that.

At 74 and change, I have decided to attempt an explanation of my belief system. I’ll begin with those things that I do not believe in or support.  First, I do not believe that a person called Christ, Jesus, the Messiah, or anything else, died for my sins or that this person arose from the dead on the third day.  Such an admission makes me an atheist according to most of the “Christians” who inhabit this world. Second, I do not believe that the bible is anything more than a mediocre novel.  Old and New testaments fall in the same category, a not so well written accounting of some events that are a part of our history.  

If you’re still with me, I’ll try to explain what I can believe in.  I follow what most in the scientific community believe. We evolved from apes over time, learning to communicate with each other as we progressed.  The beginning of time isn’t really a factor since time is something I have yet to understand.  We started wearing some form of clothing so that we could go into cooler climates and we discovered “fire” about the same time some discovered how they could control others through fear and/or intimidation.  Knowing that sooner or later I am going to die, gives me the ability to accept what I cannot control and to control things that I can.  No one can intimidate me and nothing is beyond my reach unless I place it there.

I wake up everyday ready to start another day until one morning I will no longer wake.  Time alone states that the end can be hours from now or generations from now.  I do believe that when my life is over, there is nothing beyond.  I do not fear death nor do I welcome It. 

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