Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My personal opinion.

I believe in a power greater than myself. Now that I’ve said that, I’m at a loss to explain my thoughts.  I don’t believe in a cruel or vindictive being nor do I believe in the “so called” gods of old.  In some circles I suppose that makes me an atheist yet I don’t deny the presence of something greater. Perhaps it’s in my genes or maybe not, but I question everything.

My Father attended his church each time the doors were open and dragged us along every Sunday and most Wednesday evenings until we left home.  My Mother, on the hand, seldom if ever attended any church.  She used every excuse not to attend.  I don’t credit or blame either parent for shaping my life, but it makes me wonder what happened along the way. 

I’ve thought all 5 of my children to question everything and as a result they do question.  Each one has his or her own ideas about religion and I consider that as very positive.  Very early in my time on his earth I studied the book known to most as the bible from cover to cover and yet I question every aspect. I believe that, for the most part, it is a well written accounting of the life and times of some, but it is just that and no more.  I question anything in the book that smacks of miracles or a life after death. 

I’ve attended at one time or another the Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, and Presbyterian, Churches, only to find each to be more frightening than not calling any my own.

If I burn in hell, I’ll find out that it was wrong to question, otherwise I’ll never know.

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