Sunday, November 14, 2010

Political Trivia

Political Trivia from an Alex Trebek look alike or maybe it's want a be
What is a Journalist ? - Someone who can sell filler with nothing for content
What are Polls? - More filler than fact. +/- 3%.
What is a registered Democrat ? - Someone who is committed but confused
What is a registered Republican ? - Someone who is confused but still committed .
What is Fox News ? - Mecca for anyone who is Republican a heart.
What is MSNBC ? - You guessed it. Tainted Political Views. A must for every Democrat.
What is an Independent? - Someone who can actually think for themselves. (How refreshing)
What is a typical blogger? - Instant Authority, little or no fact.
Who is Karl Rove? - Still a liar!
What is a Political Cartoon ? - "Meet the Press" on any Sunday  Morning.
Who is Sara Palin ? - A flash in the pan or our worst nightmare.
What is change ? - Something we didn't get when we elected President Obama.

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