Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Well past retirement and I still don't know all of the answers, but during my tenure on this earth there are a few things I think I have learned. It is very clear that all of us will never agree no matter the subject. We are now and have always been a divided nation. Some of our ancestors came to what later became the United States Of America to find Religious Freedom, others came for profit of any kind, still others came for what was billed as free land, some came as indentured servants, while others were free men for the first time.  I can't speak for those who came other than to say "each had their own reason or reasons". I can say we were divided then and we remain divided today.
My ancestors were Scotch, Irish, and English. If you believe history they came to this country seeking Religious Freedom among other things.  Some actually found it, but most traded one kind of intolerance for another. The difference this country offered that no other country offers even today is and was the ability to compromise. Not your beliefs, but the right to express them. My beliefs are just that and no more. No one can or ever will take them away from me.  No Democrat, Republication, Independent, Libertarian, or member of any other group or party is going to tell me what to think, how to think or when to think. It should come as no surprise to you or anyone else that each of us gathered people around us who were inclined to think as we do. They are called States!   We chose to band together as a Union of States because none of us could defend our right to exist alone.  To make that happen takes compromise.  If you refuse to compromise nothing is going to happen. If that is what you want, so be it. One of the results may be a revolution.

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