Sunday, April 18, 2010

Arizona Illegal-Immigrant Law Draws Strong Opposition

The toughest anti-illegal-immigrant measure in a generation passed the Arizona legislature this week. If signed, as expected, by Republican governor Jan Brewer, the law will give local police sweeping new powers in regard to undocumented workers. Currently, immigration offenses are violations of federal, not state, law, and local police officers only can inquire about a person's immigration status if that person is suspected of another crime. Under SB1070, however, Arizona police will have the right to stop anyone on "reasonable suspicion" that they may be an illegal immigrant and can arrest them if they are not carrying a valid driver's license or identity papers.
The jury is still out but stopping or at least slowing down the flow takes drastic measures. Yes, it sounds like racial profiling, but just because your part of the group doesn't mean you are part of the problem!
Passions about illegal immigration run high in Arizona, a point of entry for thousands of undocumented workers going to the U.S. from Mexico, and tensions were heightened by the recent murder of a rancher in a remote border area where illegal crossings are rampant. With 6.6 million residents, Arizona's illegal-immigrant population is estimated to be half a million people.
Some things are better left in the hands of each State. The Federal Government has done a lousy job of controlling immigration so maybe it's time for States to act.

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