Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Love It !!!

More than a dozen Republican state attorney generals are determined to challenge the requirement that all Americans get health insurance in federal court as unconstitutional. The obligation in the new health care law is a Republican idea that's been around at least two decades. It was once trumpeted as an alternative to Bill and Hillary Clinton's failed health care overhaul  in the 1990s. These days, Republicans call it government overreach.

Mitt Romney, weighing another run for the GOP presidential nomination, signed such a requirement into law at the state level as Massachusetts governor in 2006. At the time, Romney defended it as "a personal responsibility principle" and Massachusetts' newest GOP senator, Scott Brown, backed it. Romney now says Obama's plan is a federal takeover that bears little resemblance to what he did as governor and should be repealed

"It could have been the basis for a bipartisan compromise, but it wasn't,"  "Because the Democrats were in favor, the Republicans more or less had to be against it.". What else did you expect!

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