Friday, February 26, 2010

Kit Bond (R) Mo.

Kit Bond was one of the 42 Republican senators who voted for the historic Medicare entitlement expansion in 2003. That was during George W. Bush's 1st Term as President. But then whats good if your Republican, is never good if your Democrat

The 2003 Medicare bill was not simply any vote. It enlarged a signature program of active-state liberalism (a.k.a.- big government). On a major piece of legislation, GOP lawmakers had to choose between principle and party. And most of today's Republicans chose party.

Republicans were proud back then. That December, not long after George W. Bush signed the bill, then-Republican Majority Leader Bill Frist was on "Hardball." Chris Mathews asked, "What was your biggest achievement this year?"

Frist: "I would have to say Medicare. Eleven months ago, the odds of getting a Medicare prescription drug [bill] through were probably 400-to-one, 500-to-one. ... So that clearly is our biggest single accomplishment, if you look at the last 30 years in this country."

A $400 billion entitlement expansion as the "biggest single accomplishment" in three decades? Yes, that came from a Republican leader!.
Don't kid yourself both parties are at fault. Begin with voting out the incumbents from both parties.  If they can't hear you, then vote the incumbents out again!.

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