Saturday, April 16, 2011

Do unto others what they plan to do unto you!

That's right! We have just leveled the playing field! I'm tired of looking over my shoulder so from now on I'll be the one staring directly at you and daring you to Act. And don't expect to hide behind some suicide bomber either because I will find you!  

Friday, April 15, 2011

The latest from your Westboro Baptist Church!

Looks like ole "Freddie the free loader" is still Preaching his own version of hell fire, which Freddie likes to top off with his own mix he calls damnation.  All we need to complete the picture is his daughter wiping her ass on the American Flag!     

Monday, April 04, 2011

Here we go again!

The Republicans are in charge of the House, The Democrats are in charge of the White House and the Senate, and the Tea Party is Still in the toilet.  Nothing will become law unless we compromise and can bet that won't happen unless we flush the Toilet!    

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Keeping What members of Westboro Baptist, Describe as a "Church" Alive!

Keeping what members of any church, Describe as"Alive" is never an easy task. When you are a member of a (So-called independent Baptist church)known for its extreme views against homosexuality and its protest activities,  including picketing funerals and desecrating the American flag  You are the reason I Refuse to be counted among the believers

This So called Church" is headed by Fred Phelps and consists mostly of members of his large family; in 2007, it had 71 members. "This So called Church" is headquartered in a residential neighborhood on the west side of Topeka about three miles west of the Kansas State Capitol at 3701 West 12th Street, Topeka, Kansas, United States. "This So called Church" held Its first public service  on the afternoon of Sunday, November 27, 1955.

Freddie the free-loader!

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Abolish the death penalty!

Those who are in the "so-called" Know, say it doesn't deter crime anyway. I have no idea what will deter crime but time has shown that the fear of dying won't stop or even slow it down. Those of you who support the death penalty will fight it's national repeal. Those of you who want it repealed in every state will fight equally as hard.

Personally, I want  a law  that always works.  If it doesn't work, take it off the books. I do know that a dead crook will not be a repeat offender.  Maybe we should allow law enforcement to do just that "enforce the law".

Pass laws that are fair and equitable, then enforce them!!  

Monday, March 07, 2011

It's your Religion Not Mine!

By now most of you know that I am neither an atheist nor what you call a christian.  I do believe in a power greater than myself.  I do not believe in the bible or any of its multiple variations. Call it what you will, It was written by man, for man and is still being interpreted by man.  If I'm wrong, I'll go to what the bible describes as hell. If I'm right, I'll just be dead and so will all of those who preceded or follow  me!

Any promise of a life after death is just that! One Man's Promise to another who is stupid enough to believe him! Believing in one form of religion or another is a way of life that most people seek because they can't or won't accept the fact that they are  just another form of animal life on this planet.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

NRA and the Federal Firearms Laws

I guess it's time that we all joined the NRA and most of its members by strapping on a gun to "protect ourselves" from the enemy??? It might help if we knew who we were protecting ourselves from but I guess that comes later in the course.  I believe very strongly in my right to bare arms and I will defend that right with my life, if needed.  My second amendment rights need to be protected but not by supporting The NRA.  Being able to have and hold an AK-47 may help the members of the NRA sleep better at night, but it does not promote any kind of responsible gun ownership.  The NRA  is interested only one thing "Making a Profit" at their members expense!  Check out this web site

Monday, February 21, 2011

The KKK is still alive !

This is 2011 and all indications are that the KKK is alive, well, and recruiting in Park Hills, Mo and many other cities as well as some  states. I'm surprised by their very public presence. This typically is an organization that prefers to be in the shadows, but it may be just the thing in this age of the internet. For the record, I started out hating the KKK and everything it stood for and I haven't changed my white boy mind since!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Just in case you are still wondering, I don't use "twitter".  It may be because my life is boring or more accurately, because I think Tweeting is something only losers do.  "You" don't need to know that I have multiple cups of coffee when I first get up or that my breakfast consists of two eggs and toast!

Yet another truck driver fatally shot in East St. Louis

Ever wonder why most truck drivers demand hazardous pay if their delivery schedule includes stops in East St Louis? Simple, you run a better than 50% chance of being shot for just being there.  East St Louis is a war zone. They may use weapons that they can hold in their hands rather than I.U.D's, but make no mistake, it's a war zone and many of the people who remain in East St Louis like it that way.

It's only my opinion, but if you want changes in East St Louis then start arming the truck drivers and  shooting them before they shoot you or maybe we can hire the latest Robotic Cop!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Looks like Former Vice President Dick Cheney (He's fondly called Dick Head when you want to be polite) still doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut!  His, not so surprising, appearance at CPAC honoring another "war criminal" Donald Rumsfeld, is just another effort on his part to keep us from forgetting that he really called the shots when G.W. was President .(as if we ever could!) The vice president joked that Rumsfeld twice served as defense secretary and added that "maybe if we give him a third term, he might get it right." A group of protesters interrupted Cheney, calling him a "draft dodger" and "war criminal." I agree with both statements!

My Name Is Rahm and I’m on the Bleeping Ballot!

With the residency fight behind him, Rahm Emanuel is getting ready to storm Chicago's City Hall. With a tireless, meticulously organized campaign and more than $10 million in the bank, he’s ahead by more than 20 points in recent polls and may even surpass 50 percent on Election Day, Feb. 22, which would allow him to avoid an April 5 runoff. The only other plausible mayor in the race, Gery Chico, a former school-board president, can’t seem to get traction.

In retrospect, the residency mess helped humanize Rahm by showing that the macher (Yiddish for big shot) didn’t have everything wired.

Scott Brown isn’t himself!

Scott Brown was the Tea Party's first success in Massachusetts, no less! Now, Ted Kennedy's successor often sides with President Barack Obama. You can bet some of the Tea Partiers now want to oust him!

If Brown can sustain his balancing act as he prepares for reelection in 2012, he’ll be well on his way to proving the impossible: that there’s still room in the post–Tea Party GOP—and, indeed, the country at large—for the kind of aisle-crossing politicians who’ve become increasingly endangered in recent years. The question now is whether he’s up to the challenge.

According to Brown, his favorite saying is: “I’m not from around here. I’m from Massachusetts.” Currently, Brown doesn't caucus with the Tea Party/Republican party. Brown’s party-of-one positioning has made him a uniquely powerful freshman—able, as he often reminds his constituents, to squelch legislation (as “the 41st vote”) or ensure its passage (as “the 60th”).